News, Comment & Analysis results for Telemus

February 6, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Revamped Focus Financial Faces Delicate Balancing Act

The newly-installed president of Focus Financial gives his first interview since being named in the

July 3, 2023

CIOs On Artificial Intelligence: Proceed With Caution

"AI" appears to be on everyone's lips these days, and wealth management in North America is no

M and A
October 19, 2017

Wealth Management M&A Seen Up 23 Per Cent In US As Forces Drive Takeovers, Marriages

A combination of forces is driving M&A and breakaways in the North American wealth management

M and A
October 16, 2017

US Wealth Manager Agrees Acquisition In Yet Another M&A Move

A wealth management house operating in California and the Midwest extends its presence in the

M and A
October 27, 2014

Merger Activity Helped Focus Financial Partners Add $2 Billion In 2014

Focus Financial Partners, the international partnership of independent wealth management firms,

People Moves
September 24, 2013

Focus Financial Partners Announces Raft Of Strategic Hires

Focus Financial Partners has made five hires from firms including Goldman Sachs and HighTower

August 13, 2013

Focus Financial Adds $2.2 Billion Michigan Investment Advisor

Family Office
October 2, 2007

HNW consultants roll out multifamily office awards

Family Office
December 6, 2006

Wealth firm StillPoint goes the way of the dodo

Family Office
April 19, 2006

Outsourcer prospers from independence trend

Comment & Analysis results for Telemus